22 June 2006

Many of you

You didn’t come

locked away
in your room of dreams
to heal a body and mind
lost in the wanting
of a man who is no longer there.

It was a party

of some couples
and a couple of hopefuls
An array of humanity…

Your gift, your bone carving

is a thing of much beauty
of some significance and lost hope.
I watch you polish it with pride
your gnarled 50’ish year old hands
holding it away from your
mick jagger eyes, so you can see.
I want to say thank you
for it, the time, your sentiment,
your cooking, but you have left.

It was great to see you all again

Five years of shared intimacy
faded by days of work and parenting
jaded by break ups and death.
Lifted and lightened also though,
life balanced by joy
and the play of our children.
I enjoyed sharing the sauvignan blanc
and there were no after effects from
whitebait fritters tonight.

Poets, two of them

accomplished in my eyes
Shy, how could you be?
You could rule the universe
with your poetry’s
universal rules.
Oh how I wish you would recite.
I imagine you up at the microphone
strong poetry, strong imagery..
(maybe after a strong coffee?)
Wait until my wedding day
you will be asked!


(c) sleight of mind 2006 said...

Hi Glenn :) Will you, please, please?

Crunchy Weta said...

LOL you got me hook line and thinker!!
I would be honoured ...he said nervously. Umm let me check my diary...Still a bit of time to practice it seems.
HAd a lovely time the other night , and actually got to speak with Roy a little. He is a really nice man Leigh:-) How did he fall for one so cunning? ;-)
Enjoy your Pacific Island paradise, and will catch up about putting your words to some music when you get back.
Miao fur now

(c) sleight of mind 2006 said...

Thank you :) I would be honoured, and yes, Roy is lovely we are both very lucky :)

Lyrically speaking said...

Wow, this was nice, I'm glad I stopped by and will visit again

(c) sleight of mind 2006 said...

Cathy, thank you, I've added a link to your site, I love it.

Sujay Sukumar said...

The poetry is Amazing!!

I really liked - "It was a party
of some couples
and a couple of hopefuls
An array of humanity"

nice place you've got here :)

(c) sleight of mind 2006 said...

Sujay - thank you for you comments and for visiting :)

Deb - thank you too :)