25 July 2006

Ad Infinitum - In response to Heart String Theory

move backwards
into the future

previous lives
confronting choices ….considering

lines, several
tangents with twists

then unfolding
creating, multiplying, diminishing

changing, collapsing,
enlightening, loving, dying

turn, we
exist, into infinity

To read Heart String Theory by Crunchy Weta go to:
Crunchy Weta: Heart String Theory


Crunchy Weta said...


Crunchy Weta said...

This is also really really good. I love the way you have Haynaku'd it. I think you have well summarised the multidimensionality of everything.
Weta's Doppleganger

(c) sleight of mind 2006 said...

Thank you, Cheers to you too :) (lost my doppenganger to a man in a game of cards)

rohn bayes said...

is this a maori thing ??

(c) sleight of mind 2006 said...

Hi RB, you could say that Maori very much move into the future looking backwards at the past, their ancestors, and what has gone before them. There is much reverence for the past and the impact it has on life and the future. It is a very perceptive observation, as you have pinpointed one of the things that inspired that first verse!

Russell Ragsdale said...

I have lived (past) forever here. I think often (return) about this. I have really enjoyed this!

(c) sleight of mind 2006 said...

Thank you Russell :)

Russell Ragsdale said...

I'm still back (going to enjoy)!